
March 24, 2010

Room Adultery

One look… and it was LUV!


It’s so funny. If you saw my kitchen (well… you can if you go here) I wouldn’t blame you for a moment if you thought that my style was contemporary-country/vintage. Truth be told, I drool over all kinds of styles… but lately I find I get down right mushy-with-emotion over mid-century modern.

And this mid-century inspired tile has me swooning with desire!

I blame Apartment Therapy for my current kitchen and decadent TILE infidelity. Yes… I love another kitchen more then my own. Maybe if I hadn’t subscribed to their daily newsletter I wouldn’t have been introduced to another sweet kitchen… another scrumptious tile. If it hadn’t been for AT I wouldn’t be fantasizing about running my hands repeatedly over the shapes and contours of each perfectly placed tile… *sigh*

I’ve got a wee problem, wouldn’t you say?!! ;~)

What about you? Are you cheating on a room in your home? Do you covet a living room, kitchen or bedroom that isn’t your own? A piece of furniture? A design style? Leave a comment telling me all about it!

But do you know what I would really, really like? In your comment – or in an e-mail to me (edindesign[at]shaw[dot]ca) – provide me with a link to the room YOU’RE having an affair with. Then next week I’ll pull a post together celebrating our room fantasies!! Wouldn’t that be fun?!

Come dream with me!!

sigvP.S. I really DO love my kitchen


  1. If you dont cheat on your rooms you would not be a designer !! right?? :)

  2. I always like the "rooms" Ballard Designs puts together for their catalogs. I just love their stuff and I don't think they've done a set-up I haven't liked.

  3. I had a good laugh over your post this morning Victoria! And isn't Qerat right, don't all of us designers "cheat" on our rooms? To continue with the theme of kitchen lust, here are two beauties I saw on Decorpad yesterday :



  4. Haha, I have affairs with rooms that aren't my own every single day!

    I'm definitely mushy about this gorgeous bedroom:

    BTW your kitchen is gorgeous! What a fantastic makeover! This should be "the gorgeous kitchen makeover blog" lol!

  5. Cheating on a room? Hell no I'm cheating on my entire house.

    I was at Kates and Gordies project last week. It's almost done and I absolutely love it. It made me sad driving away as everything on my "what if" list, is in that house... including the view.

  6. I just love the raised texture on the wall,are those ceramic tiles?

  7. I do love the backsplash, but I think its more trendy. Your kitchen is timeless. You would get a better return on your investment with your kitchen in the long run...

  8. I'm not having an affair just yet. However, I am hoping to sooner than later get new granite countertops, a tile backsplash, and an island in my kitchen. I would so love some advice when the time comes!! I'm torn because nothing else in the room will be changing! I'm going to start buying and researching out kitchens soon!

    ~angela @ peonypatch

  9. Love this post Victoria! And I agree with Susan, I cheat on my entire house all the time. That backsplash is pretty amazing, I admit that I swoon for it too :)
    I find that I love so many different design styles, and even though I kind of know what style I want to be surrounded by every day and always seem to gravitate towards the most, that doesn't mean I don't absolutely drool over things I may not usually choose.

    PS I absolutely love your kitchen makeover, you did such an amazing job, it doesn't even look like the same house :)

  10. very simple line but very creative, looks comfortable, something talented going on here

  11. Honestly, Victoria, I find myself lusting over your kitchen. Every time I see a farm sink, I think I love them more. Plus, the warm chocolatey browns makes the kitchen all the more cozy!


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